We are an Evangelical Church in Portland maine, England area, Our church has been active since 2021 and is continually gaining members all around STATE, and receiving new imigrantes who do not have a place to sleep then providing to them a temporary place to stay. This year, the members are planning to conduct extensive fundraising among its members. Current funds are running low due to the many active programs conducted by the church. In the spirit of togetherness and compassion, we humbly ask for your donations for this cause. For this purpose, the church actively seeks donations, or your financial support is a big help in enabling us to make the Building project possible. Our planning is well underway with the purchasing of Building or land for the church where we can accomodate homeless people as well in our community.
We aim to collect at least USD 100.00 per member so that we can reach the total minimum amount of USD 100,000.00 for the down payment in order to commence the project and take it halfway.
Please can you help.
Your support may be vital in solving this problem and enabling the church to have its own place and continue to provide a place where people can experience hope, friendship and the embrace of a good God.Would you consider donating to help us achieve our mission? We thank you in advance for your support! Your donation is greatly appreciated.
You can help the Church to get a Building, your support is key in solving this problem. Would you consider donating $20, $50 or $100 to help us make this dream come true in our community! Your donation will have an impact on the Community and group of people of God affected and will be used to buy a Building. You can donate online, call us at +1 (207) 535-7996, 2078077299 or send a check in the pre-stamped envelope included in your letter.
We will also accept charitable donations, land, services, and other contributions. God bless you.
You can give using Cash App in this number 6463616530 - Light of People Church.